
Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Profil dan Biodata Neil Armstrong | Biografi dan Kisah perjalanan Hidup

Biografi dan  Perjalanan Hidup Neil Amstrong - sebelumua mari sobat baca dulu Neil Armstrong Meninggal Dunia. mari Kita simak sejarah singkat dan Pejalan Karir Neil Amstrong

Neil Armstrong 

 Profil dan Biodata Neil Armstrong | Biografi dan Kisah perjalanan Hidup

Artikel ini saya tadinya bahasa inggris yang kemudia saya trasnlet pakai google translet, jadi mohoh maaf dan maklumi jika gaya Bahasa agak Kacau. 20 Juli 1969 ketika Neil Armstrong berbicara apa yang harus
dianggap sebagai kata yang paling terkenal dari abad ke-20, "satu langkah kecil bagi manusia, satu lompatan raksasa bagi umat manusia". Ini, tentu saja, adalah hari yang laki-laki dari kaki set Bumi pertama di Bulan. Itu adalah puncak dari tahun penelitian dan pengembangan, keberhasilan dan kegagalan, dan persaingan pahit dari saingan kami takut. Dan itu adalah kata-kata Neil Armstrong dari 38 tahun yang echo dalam catatan sejarah.
Awal Hidup
Neil Armstrong yang lahir 5 Agustus 1930 berdasarkan sebuah peternakan di Wapakoneta, Ohio. Namun terus bergerak di sekitar negara untuk sebagian besar hidupnya yang masih muda, sebelum keluarganya akhirnya menetap kembali di Wapakoneta tahun 1944. Ada Neil mengadakan banyak pekerjaan di sekitar kota, terutama di bandara setempat karena ia selalu terpesona dengan penerbangan. Setelah memulai pelajaran terbang pada usia 15, ia dianugerahi lisensi pilot pada hari ulang ke-16, sebelum ia telah mendapatkan surat izin mengemudi.

Tentu tertarik dalam penerbangan, Armstrong memutuskan untuk mengejar gelar di bidang Aeronautical Engineering dari Purdue University di bawah Rencana Holloway. Beasiswa ini mengirimkan penerima layak untuk Universitas untuk menyelesaikan gelar sarjana mereka sebelum melakukan setidaknya tiga tahun pelayanan Naval. Pada akhir waktu mereka di Angkatan Laut, mereka akan kembali ke sekolah selama dua tahun lagi studi lanjutan. Armstrong kemudian menyelesaikan gelar master dalam rekayasa kedirgantaraan di University of Southern California pada tahun 1970.

Armstrong dipanggil untuk Pensacola Naval Air Station di Florida pada tahun 1949 sebelum ia bisa menyelesaikan gelar nya. Di sana ia mendapatkan sayapnya pada 20 tahun, membuatnya pilot termuda di skuadron nya. Dia kemudian terbang 78 misi tempur di Korea, mendapatkan tiga medali, termasuk Service Medal Korea. Tapi Armstrong dikirim pulang sebelum akhir perang dan menyelesaikan gelar sarjana pada tahun 1955.

Pengujian Batas Baru
Setelah menyelesaikan gelar di Purdue, Armstrong memutuskan untuk mencoba tangannya sebagai uji coba. Setelah aplikasi awal untuk Komite Penasehat Nasional untuk Aeronautics (NACA) - merupakan awal penciptaan NASA - ditolak ia mengambil pos di Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory di Cleveland, Ohio. Namun, itu kurang dari setahun sebelum Armstrong ditransfer ke Edwards Air force Base (AFB) di California untuk bekerja dengan stasiun Flight Tinggi NACA itu Kecepatan.

Selama masa jabatannya di Edwards Armstrong melakukan uji penerbangan lebih dari 50 jenis pesawat eksperimental, penebangan 2.450 jam waktu udara. Di antara prestasi dalam pesawat ini, Armstrong mampu mencapai kecepatan Mach 5,74 (4.000 mph atau 6.615 km / jam) dan ketinggian 63.198 meter (207.500 kaki), tetapi dalam pesawat X-15.

Armstrong, menjadi seorang insinyur dengan pelatihan, memiliki efisiensi teknis untuk terbangnya yang membuat iri sebagian besar rekan-rekannya. Namun, ia dikritik oleh beberapa non-rekayasa pilot, termasuk Chuck Yeager dan Pete Knight, yang mengamati bahwa tekniknya terbang terlalu mekanis. Mereka berpendapat bahwa terbang itu, setidaknya sebagian, rasakan. Sesuatu yang tidak datang secara alami kepada insinyur, dan itu adalah fakta bahwa kadang-kadang membuat mereka dalam kesulitan.

Sementara Armstrong adalah seorang pilot tes yang relatif sukses, ia terlibat dalam insiden ariel beberapa. Salah satu peristiwa yang paling terkenal yang melibatkan Armstrong terjadi pada tanggal 21 Mei 1962 ketika ia dikirim untuk menyelidiki Delamar Danau sebagai lokasi pendaratan darurat potensial, menerbangkan F-104. Setelah pendaratan gagal merusak radio dan sistem hidrolik, Armstrong menuju Pangkalan Angkatan Udara Nellis. Ketika mencoba untuk mendarat di Nellis, hook ekor pesawat diturunkan karena sistem hidrolik rusak dan menangkap kawat menangkap di lapangan udara. Pesawat meluncur di luar kendali di landasan, menyeret rantai jangkar bersama dengan itu.

Setelah radioing kembali ke Edwards, Milt Thompson dikirim dalam F-104B untuk mengambil Armstrong. Namun, Milt belum pernah terbang ini pesawat tertentu, dan akhirnya meniup salah satu ban selama pendaratan keras. Landasan pacu tersebut kemudian ditutup untuk kedua kalinya hari itu untuk membersihkan jalur pendaratan puing-puing. Sebuah pesawat ketiga dikirim ke Nellis, dikemudikan oleh Bill Dana. Tapi Bill hampir mendarat bintang nya T-33 Shooting panjang, mendorong Nellis untuk mengirim pilot kembali ke Edwards menggunakan transportasi darat.

Crossing Into Space

Pada tahun 1957 Armstrong terpilih untuk Man ironisnya bernama Dalam program Ruang paling cepat (MISS). Kemudian pada bulan September 1963 ia terpilih sebagai sipil Amerika pertama yang terbang di angkasa. (Rusia meluncurkan sipil Valentina Tereshkova ke ruang angkasa pada bulan Juni tahun 1963, mengalahkan Armstrong ke ruang angkasa.)

Pada tahun 1966 Armstrong terbang pada misi 8 Gemini yang diluncurkan 16 Maret. Melayani sebagai Pilot Command, kru adalah untuk menyelesaikan docking pertama kalinya dengan pesawat ruang angkasa lain, sebuah kendaraan tak berawak Agena sasaran. Setelah 6,5 jam di orbit mereka mampu dermaga dengan kerajinan, namun karena komplikasi mereka tidak dapat menyelesaikan apa yang akan menjadi pernah ketiga "ekstra-kendaraan aktivitas" - sekarang disebut sebagai berjalan-ruang.

Armstrong juga menjabat sebagai CAPCOM - biasanya satu-satunya orang yang secara langsung berkomunikasi dengan astronot selama misi ke luar angkasa - untuk Gemini 11. Namun, itu tidak sampai program Apollo dimulai bahwa Armstrong berkelana ke ruang angkasa. demikian saja uraian singkat tentang Profil dan Biodata Neil Armstrong | Biografi dan Kisah perjalanan Hidup

Sepenggal sejarah Neil Armstrong

Astronaut Neil Armstrong waves as he receives a hero's welcome in his hometown of Wapakoneta, Ohio. The first man to step on the moon is showered by confetti and he and his wife Jan and son Eric ride in the parade.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong waves as he receives a hero's welcome in his hometown of Wapakoneta, Ohio. The first man to step on the moon is showered by confetti and he and his wife Jan and son Eric ride in the parade. -

Neil Armstrong steps into history July 20, 1969 by leaving the first human footprint on the surface of the moon. The 30th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon mission is celebrated July 20, 1999.Neil Armstrong steps into history July 20, 1969 by leaving the first human footprint on the surface of the moon. The 30th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon mission is celebrated July 20, 1999

Apollo 11 astronaut, and the first man to walk the moon, Neil Armstrong, left, holds the Langley Gold Medal after it was presented to him by Vice President Al Gore Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at a ceremony at the Smithsonian Air And Space Museum in Washington. Fellow recipient Edwin A. Apollo 11 astronaut, and the first man to walk the moon, Neil Armstrong, left, holds the Langley Gold Medal after it was presented to him by Vice President Al Gore Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at a ceremony at the Smithsonian Air And Space Museum in Washington. Fellow recipient Edwin A. 'Buzz' Aldrin is seated at right. The event marks the 30th anniversay of the first landing on the Moon.

Apollo 11, carrying astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins after taking off from launch pad 39-A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, July 16, 1969. Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon.Apollo 11, carrying astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins after taking off from launch pad 39-A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, July 16, 1969. Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon. - NASA

In this July 20, 1969 black-and-white file photo, taken from a television monitor, Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, right, trudging across the surface of the moon.  Edwin E. Aldrin is seen closer to the craft.  NASA may not be going to the moon anytime soon and its space shuttles are about to be retired, but it could conceivably increase the number of agency jobs under a new reorganization, NASA's chief said Thursday.In this July 20, 1969 black-and-white file photo, taken from a television monitor, Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, right, trudging across the surface of the moon. Edwin E. Aldrin is seen closer to the craft. NASA may not be going to the moon anytime soon and its space shuttles are about to be retired, but it could conceivably increase the number of agency jobs under a new reorganization, NASA's chief said Thursday.

In this Sept. 17, 1962 file photo, Neil Armstrong, one of the nine astronauts, is shown as he was introduced to the press, along with the other astronauts in Houston. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of n this Sept. 17, 1962 file photo, Neil Armstrong, one of the nine astronauts, is shown as he was introduced to the press, along with the other astronauts in Houston. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of 'one giant leap for mankind.' Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972.

In this 1969 photo provided by NASA the crew of the Apollo 11 mission is seen. From left are Neil Armstrong, Mission Commander, Michael Collins,  Lt. Col. USAF, and Edwin Eugene Aldrin, also known as Buzz Aldrin, USAF Lunar Module pilot.  The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of In this 1969 photo provided by NASA the crew of the Apollo 11 mission is seen. From left are Neil Armstrong, Mission Commander, Michael Collins, Lt. Col. USAF, and Edwin Eugene Aldrin, also known as Buzz Aldrin, USAF Lunar Module pilot. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of 'one giant leap for mankind.' Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972.

In this July 16, 1969 file photo, Neil Armstrong waving in front, heads for the van that will take the crew to the rocket for launch to the moon at Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida.  The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of In this July 16, 1969 file photo, Neil Armstrong waving in front, heads for the van that will take the crew to the rocket for launch to the moon at Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of 'one giant leap for mankind.' Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972.

In this July 20, 1969 file photo, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. In this July 20, 1969 file photo, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. 'Buzz' Aldrin, the first men to land on the moon, plant the U.S. flag on the lunar surface. Photo was made by a 16mm movie camera inside the lunar module, shooting at one frame per second. (AP Photo/NASA, file)

Families come and go from the Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio.Families come and go from the Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio.

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Source: http://amronbadriza.blogspot.com/2012/07/cara-membuat-kotak-komentar-facebook-di.html#ixzz29kxFWDNt